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Differentiation in playful behaviour of the juniority school children

Autor Hana Světlíková
Organisation FHS UK
Year 2006
Research type Ph.D. thesis
Annotation This doctoral thesis aims to elaborate the methodology of junior school children behaviour assessment. It focuses on examining how the particular components of non-verbal communication are affected by selected biological and social factors to find the most common children behaviour pattern during their individual play between two school lessons.
Keywords non-verbal communication, behaviour, children, play
Research type qualitative , quantitative
Start date
End date
Obor AM Pedagogy, education, AO Sociology, demography
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
Download research 1591020616.pdf
Organisation FHS UK
Possible connection Children and Youth Ratio in population
Number of children and young people
Expected numbers of children and young people
(Summer) recovery activities (form of summer camps)
Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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