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Youth and values 2018: Education for values in the context of a pluralistic and multicultural society

Autor Potměšilová, Petra Öbrink Hobzová, Milena (eds.)
Organisation Univerzita Palackého
Year 2018
Research type proceedings
Annotation The collection contains selected contributions from the conference Youth and Values 2018, which took place in Olomouc at the Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty of the Palacký University. Contributions can be divided into three different areas. The first deals with the development and characteristics of values among young people. The second part focuses on the values of specific groups, such as people with special educational needs, as well as minority issues. The final part focuses on values in relation to religion and faith. Some may be referred to as review studies, others present the original research.
Keywords values, youth, young people
Research type unrepeated research
Start date
End date
Obor AO Sociology, demography
Availability available after payment
Research location Vydavatelství UP, Biskupské náměstí 1, Olomouc
Organisation Univerzita Palackého
Possible connection Children and Youth Ratio in population
Number of children and young people
Expected numbers of children and young people
Number of addressed clients by the Youth Information Centres network
International youth cooperation
Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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